Monday, December 5, 2011

Hello? And Happy Birthday!

Get it?

Wow - if I had a nickel for every time I took a second to realize how quickly time is flying by, I would be a very wealthy Chicken Wing!  I've recently discovered that Christmas has decided not to wait for me to be ready, and I really need to put the other million things going on in my life aside and devote some attention to getting ready for the holidays!

I greatly apologize for the lack of posting here lately - I'm still working on this whole promotion at work/planning a wedding/couponing/being addicted to the facebook online yard sale balancing act, and to be very candid, I'm not doing very well at it!  I mean, I'm being successful at most of these things, but it's definitely hard to keep my blogging up to date with all of that going on!

Oh, you thought that was it?  NO SIR/NO MA'AM!  There's more, but that will have to wait for a future post because truthfully, that deserves a post all its own!

Today's post needs to center around one of the greatest guys I've ever known.  I haven't seen him in a long time - almost seventeen years, to be exact - but today is his birthday, and he deserves my undivided attention.

I have really big feet and ears for a little Wing, but my Daddy sure looks handsome!

This my Daddy.  December 5th usually involves many emotions for me, but I'm finding that this year, I have had a little bit of an easier time because I literally have been so darn busy, I basically turn into a vegetable in my spare time.  It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for grief.

When I prayed him a Happy Birthday today, I told him that I hoped he was getting in lots of golfing, hunting, fishing, and that he was getting to watch a lot of the Redskins and Tar Heels games. 

I told him that I hoped he had the basket of rolled-up socks next to his recliner in heaven so he could chunk socks at the TV every time the Redskins made him mad (which unfortunately, has probably been happening a lot).  I told him that I hoped he was still singing ever-so-off-key but as loudly and proudly as he ever did.  (I used to love listening to him forget the words and instantly improve most songs by inserting his own noises or lyrics).

I told him how much I loved him and missed him and how I still think of him  I told him not to be mad at me because I've been getting so emotional every time I tell someone how sad I'm going to be at my wedding since he won't be there to meet Comanche, ease my nerves, walk me down the aisle, or share our special father-daughter dance.

I told him to keep watching out for our family and to keep an eye on Little Sister Chicken Wing and Little Brother Chicken Wing.  I told him to take care of some wonderful people I know that have lost their lives recently.  I told him to show them the ropes and teach them how things go in heaven.  I told him to hug my PaPa and cousins and friends for me and to remind them how much I love and miss them, too.

Finally, I told him, "Thank You."  I thanked him for teaching me things to do, things not to do, and for showing up now and then to remind me he's still watching.  I thanked him for instilling in me the importance of going to church and working on my relationship with God (even though I was quite lost in that department for a very long time).  I thanked him for marrying my mom and giving me my siblings, and for letting me keep one of the puppies that would eventually become one of my very favorite dogs.  I thanked him for just being him.

So here's to you, Daddy.  I will always be your little girl.  I will always remember you as one of the best guys I ever met.  I will never forget the legacies you left behind and I will never stop aspiring to take your best qualities and make them my own.  I miss you.  I love you. 

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Until next time,


Must Love Cats (Less Than Me) said...

This was absolutely a beautiful, thoughtful post in honor of your daddy. Thinking of you today, Chicken Wing #1!

Saw this pin and thought of you:

Love you, sister!

Unknown said...

@Must Love Cats (Less Than Me): Aww, thank you, dollface! I love you and your pin! Miss your gorgeous self!

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