Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Holy Hiatus, Batman!

Hey, Peeps! I am so sorry for the lack of posting recently - there's so much to recap on! April has always been one of the busiest months of the year for me, and since I started dating Mr. Chicken Wing, it's gotten even busier!

Before Mr. Chicken Wing, April was busy for me because Little Brother Chicken Wing's birthday is in April. Daddy Chicken Wing passed away in April. April Fools' Day is in April. And it's just an all-around busy month at work, and it seems that everything is due in April.

Throw in Mr. Chicken Wing, and you get, in addition to all mentioned before, our anniversary, Mr. Chicken Wing's stepfather's birthday, and both of Mr. Chicken Wing's brothers' birthdays! Our little brothers are literally a week apart - to the day! It's a very cool family dynamic, actually!

So, we have lots to celebrate and even something to be sad about in April - it really is a volatile roller coaster of emotions. To tell you the truth, when I step back and take a look at this month from 10,000 feet, it really takes a lot out of me.

I can only say that I am sorry for the delay, but I am excited to be back to share the highs and lows with you! After all, that's what life is all about - the lows make you appreciate the highs.

Stick with me, Peeps! :) Can you believe that May will be here this weekend?

Until next time,
Miss Chicken Wing

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